Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Suami saya comel
Pada suatu hari....
(Dialog lebih kurang mcm nieee la..)
Me : abg.. Satu hari nanti cuba kalau anak kita bawa sorang lelaki balik rumah... Dan die nak kawen dgn lelaki tu... Tp laki tu muka cam pecah rumah jer... Abg nak bagi x?
En suami : (diam kejap..) kite akan suruh anak kite buat solat istiqarah..
Me : kalau die x nak buat?
En suami : anak kite... Kite didik agama die elok2... Mesti die dgr...
Me : okey.. Die buat... Tapi hati die tetap dengan pilihan die... Abg nak terima jugak ke????
En suami : terima jela kalau itu jawapan nye...
Me : tapi... Lelaki tu muke pecah rumah!!!...?$&@
En suami : pasti ade pengakhiran nye yang baik...Allah lebih tahu..
Me : .….........
Moral of the story: kalau kite tak yakin dengan pilihan kita.. Buatlah solat istiqarah.. InsyaAllah Allah akan bantu dan beri petunjuk-Nya...
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.."
(Surah al-Baqarah ayat 216)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Keperluan atau Keinginan?
Salam and I think it's not too late to wish happy eidul fitri.... Semoga amalan kita diterima-Nya..
Sambil makan macaroni and milo suam menunggu kepulangan suami tersayang..lagi 10 minit encik hasben akan spending the whole day alone in the house...menjadi sangat membosankan and what i only did siang tadi surf and surf barang2 baby jer.. actually basic things utk baby da ada semua..cuma few items yang aku rase later pun bole beli lagi cth nye child car seat and stroller... penting ke? atau pun cuma sekadar keinginan.. bukan ape barang baby sekarang bukannye murah... even baju yg cenonet2 tu pun mak aii sehelai aku tgk 60 kot! lagi mahal dari baju aku sendiri..
So far aku google2 50-50 org yang merasakan kepentingan stroller.. then i asked my bestfriend... die ckp die x beli pun, die pinjam akak die punye nye and thankfully anak die x suke dok dlm stroller... so die pulang balik... aku nak test and drive kat sape? sbb ni pun cucu sulong and most items rasenye mmg aku kene beli sendiri...except that car seat tu MIL ada bagi tapi rasenye kene beli baru sebab belt die da rosak..xleh pakai da... cume nye my friend ckp.. 'kalo ko nak gi jalan kat tesco ari2 betta ko beli je..' otherwise kalo jenis dok uma bek x yah beli.. hehe..and aku ni mmg jenis kaki aku x terpikir nak mtk opinion my mom or my MIL pun.. cumenye hint2 my mom je ckp xde ke sape2 nak hadiahkan stroller.. tp my mom diam je,at least kalo x penting die mesti akan ckp no need la stroller.... x penting pun.
Cthnye mcm baby cot..mase mule2 dulu nak sgt2 beli baby cot, tp cousins, my mom, MIL semuaaaa ckp x payah beli..membazir je.sebab awal2 mmg baby akan tido dengan kita je....MIL lagi la, die ckp last2 cot tu jadi tempat simpan barang cousin siap offer kalo nak jugak, amek je die punye, sjk beli mmg die x penah pakai... huh? seriously mmg x penting ke? so kalo x penting, xyah la amek jugak kan nnt semak rumah je...and plus rupanye baby cot ni dekat US da kene banned! banyak sgt kontroversi sbbt byk kes baby tersepit kat celah2 cot tu...nasib baik x beli awal2 dulu..kalo x tgk kat IKEA memang murah dan cute2 je...geram mmg rase nak beli je...dan yang paling membuatkan tak akan beli ialah hubby tak bagi sekeras2 what else to say kan... tp rezeki jugakla.. my mom ade bagi playpen, playpen macam ni rupe die...
Tapi yang aku dpt xde la canggeh mcm ni..bese2 je sbb second hand, ade org bg kt my mom, then die pun bagi kat die punye bassinet pun da xdela.. jadi kalo nak bg baby main dlm tu okeyla tp nak tidokan die agak payah la nak tunduk2 bagai... kitorang try cari bassinet utk playpen tapi xjmp...xtau nak beli kat least bole tido kan baby dlm tu..
Back to stroller and car seat...aku rase car seat mmg penting lagi2 nak kerja nanti...senang nak anta rumah pengasuh kan..lagi2 aku kan wanita independent mst la ke mane2 jarang husband ikut sbb die xkan nak drive sambil pgg baby yer dak? so car seat mmg masuk compulsory list la..cume maybe akan beli pas abes pantang nnt..sbb kalo baby lahir nnt pun, aku bkn leh g mane2 lagi kan...Lagipun bile tanye feedback orang majoriti cakap WAJIB ade car seat nie...
Cerita pasal stroller pulak, setiap kali pergi expo atau baby store wajib cuci mata tengok stroller tp x penah beli pun...end up beli benda lain je..dan mmg setiap kali usha stroller, kami akan usha either SCR9 atau SCR6...SCR9 sebab die leh baringkan jadi craddle plak..ala mcm basket utk usung baby SCR6 best sbb die 3 wheeled! hubby ckp kalo bawa best, smooth jer...survey stroller ni da mcm survey kete je.. siap ade suspension bagi aku yg penting ringan dan senang nak lipat utk diusung kemana2.. erkkk mcm mmg plan nak beli je kan?
SCR 6 - 3 wheel... leh masuk formula 1!! haha~
SCR9 yang leh convert jadi craddle.. nak dudukkan pun bole..
Tapi yang pasti both pun compatible dgn SCR7 - child car seat... sbb basket tu leh tanggalkan and ganti dengan car seat... both pun adjustable utk baring or dudukkan.. and plus both pun bole adjust utk either mengadap mama nye atau pun mengadap org lalu lalang...harga pun still dlm bajet..iaitu below 1k like around 400++ to 600 je... tgk skrg stroller mahal2 sampai 2 3 ribu pun ade..leh dpt motor still dlm list KIV lagi stroller nie.. so far tak pasti sama ada ianye keperluan atau keinginan x lahir lagi...nanti bile baby da kuar, baru leh tanye baby nak ke tak...hehe....daaaaaa..! husband da blik and kawan die pun nak dtg pulak...till next time..~
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Stories to tell
Tonight i
feel like telling some stories.. actually lot of stories since i can't
even remember when is it the last time i wrote... da banyak benda
berlaku.. and most importantly only 2 months left for this little one to
stay in my tummy... and yesss it's getting bigger and I'm getting
Firstly paling excited sekali.... my study has met it's endddd.. 3rd august keluar result and alhamdulillah i passed all subjects..duhh...break record kot...the worse result ape pun syukur alhamdulillah sebab semua lulus pun kan...hubby pun ckp, da lulus semua tu bersyukur jela....die pun lega sgt2...penat kot! menanggung seorang preggy student yg banyak karenang!! haha..heeeehe..lagipun what u give u get back kan....mase sem 8 pun study main2...sebab da takde mood gile2 nak study kenangkan da nak abes belaja kan... memang study rompong2 je..ade yg siap skip topic lagi...Ya Allah punyelaaa pemalas time tu....and plus baru pregnant lagi laaa pemalas bertambah2...Hopefully i will get my posting after my baby comes out... tak best la da keje2 aleh2 keje cuti bersalin pulak kan..and plus x payah la nak deduct annual leaves kan kan..
Second one is alhamdulillah both my SIL and BIL selamat mendirikan rumah tangga masing2 dgn pasangan masing2.. actually july was a hectic month back then sebab time tula nak final exam, time tula busy dgn bisnes floria, time tula nak kenduri kawen and yeeesssss time tu la nak pindah rumah baru (yeay, we got our own house now and i got my own kitchen).. kenduri berjalan dgn lancar.. mase tu nasib baik it was after final exam has ended.. so boleh focus untuk tolong waktu kenduri (tho takdela banyak menda pun aku tolong kan) especially aku yg tolong watkan hantaran.. last minit jugak tu! nasib baik sempat siap... time tu perut tak besar sgt so okeyla tak susah nak move around... my BIL punye wife pun pregnant time kenduri that time diorang da about one month nikah dah...dorang nikah early kira bunting pelamin la nie..and mungkin org paling happy probably my MIL sebab akan dpt 2 cucu serentak. 1 this year and the other one next year. but who knows kalo SIL punye rezeki pun dkt, 3 org cucu la sekali arong kan..hik3..
and pasal pindah rumah baru - it was the last day of floria, hubby decide nak masuk rumah malam tu tgh2 malam kol 12 ke kol 1 time tu gakla aku mengemas uma mengemop lantai mencuci pape yg patut sebab hubby nak tido mlm tu penat gakla sbb i was all alone that time sbb hubby tak abes berniaga floria lagi time the time die sampai uma da siap kemas dan cuci da..tinggal tidooo je... dan start dari aritu macam2 la koleksi barang2 uma yg kami beli..seronok ade uma sendiri...mcm2 bole beli, meja makan, coffee table, langsir...actually langsir aku jahit sendiri...waaaaaaaa jahit sendiri? yela termenung kt uma sensorang x wat pe bek menjahit...actually org tua2 pantang kalo waktu mengandung ni menjahit..macam2 la sebab nye...kalo nak ikutkan pantang, camtu satu benda punla aku x leh buat yer dak...well ape2 nak jadi pun tu semua kuasa Allah..kadang2 dok diam2 kat uma pun kalau Allah nak, jadi jugak kan...
Next - hmmm.... BABY!!! yeay kalau cerita pasal baby memang sgt SERONOK.. daaa banyak da brg baby aku shopping at least dlm 2 expo baby aku borong barang baby kot!! first one kat midvalley bulan julai dlu... time tu memang borong gile2..siap pegi hanta barang kat kereta and then we round up for second trip lagi...almost 600 kot melayang mcm tu je!!! sorry mr husband... tak keje lagi so cannot support u...hehehehe what to do...anak sulong ni banyak la expenses kan... second one kitorang pegi expo kat klcc last week.. yang ni x bnyk beli brg, just topup2 pape yg tak cukup je...lagipun expo kat klcc ni x semenarik yg kat midvalley tu, choice pun sikit compare dgn midvalley..tapi memang BEST GILE shopping barang baby pun ade brg lagi x beli sbb x de pilihan sgt kat expo tu so kene pegi kedai baby yg betol2 plus nak tunggu next payslip pulak..hehe...sekarang pun kalo online je x lain x bukan mengadap website yg jual barang baby online je.. cuci mata je pun, belinye tak beli2 pun...sbb kalo newborn nak beli brg sgt terhad sbb baby cpt besar..kang beli kang jap aje pakai nye...tapi gerammmm sgt tgk brg2 baby tau! sgt2 cute....
And yes i forgot to mention, we went for 3D/4D scan dkt sri kembangan last week!!! gile tak mama baby nie....esok nye nak appointment pun nak pegi gak wat 3D scan...yela skang ni semua buat 3D scan kan...mane tak terpikat nye dgn teknologi canggeh nie...bole tgk muka baby lagi.. so i booked online appointment 3D ni dkt poliklinik an-nisa dkt sri kembangan... yg scan bkn doktor tp sonographer.. ari tertentu je die ade kat klinik tu...nasib baik dapat sbb best time nak scan 3D is between 26 wks to 30 wks.. that time aku da almost 30 kot...cuak sgt sbb mule2 call vision college (tgk kebanyakkan mommies semua review gempak2 VC nie) tp bile call die cakap da penuh dan ade kosong pun end of august... mase tu maybe da 32 ke 33 weeks da x best da nak aku da putus asa da...but then aku jmp la FB sonographer ni jezzlyn... and aku terus book!!! alhamdulillah ade lagi kosong...aku book hari selase, dpt appointment hari khamis..okeyla tu!
masa mule2 tu die scan2 cari position baby...mule2 kecewa gak sebab baby tido and die tutup muka die dgn tangan sonographer tu ketuk2 skit perut aku nak pujuk baby suh aleh tangan..kejap je die aleh tgn, dptla tgk muka die skit..eeeeeee geram2..sgt chubby... tp die masam sgt muka die...marah kot org kaco die tido...kejap2 buat mulut muncung...ngeee...nak tgk ke.?
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baby kumam2 mulut die...makan ape tah tu.. |
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Baby jelir lidahhh..~ wekkk! |
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kaki die.. cute mehh...? 6cm long... about~ |
And guesssss what?? it's a GIRLLLL.. mama ade geng la...mama geng dgn kakak la pasni...hik3... ^^
Okey that's all for tonight da nak titow..... hehe next post nak cite pasal checklist baby plak k! daaaaaaaaaaaa...~
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
I'm writing now coz i'm kinda bored right now... baru siap masak spaghetti... and then kat luar hujan renyai2 dari pagi tadi non-stop...and plus my iphone breakdown so i cannot play any games....
It's almost 5 months! hehe...halfway there baby.. =D
Skang pun da dapat rasa baby gerak2.. maybe next appointment bley scan to see whether it's a boy or a girl... hehe so senang sikit nak buat preparation and start finding the names (padahal da start cari da...) oooo... i'm so excited.... but here it is.. the name must be short and easy to pronounce as hubby cakap, nnt tanak org panggil anak kita lain bunyi nye, maksud pun jadi lain so betta find one name that is easily pronounce... and the max should be only 2 words.. kalo ikut hubby die nak 1 word jer...
And for me the first word or the possibly the only one single word should start with 'A'
hehe so nnt dlm kelas nanti namelist, name dok atas sekali...
we've got few list now both for girl and boy... well at least kalo da tau gender we can just cut down the other list...pening sebenarnye nak pikirkan nama anak2 kan... so long as membawa makna yang baik2 and not so complicated hehee and not so common... like me! heheh (perasan jap)...
okey...back to work, japgi hubby nak balik makan... daaaaaaaaa.........~
20 weeks ^_^'
Thursday, April 5, 2012
12 weeks!!
It's already 12 weeks! Finally... The end of the first trimester....
(copy paste dari babycentre)
"The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close. Her mouth will make sucking movements. Toes will curl, and eye muscles will clench. In fact, if you prod your belly, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it.
Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly. Synapses, which are used to send messages around the body, are forming furiously in your baby's brain.
The intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys will begin excreting urine into your baby's bladder.
Your baby's face looks unquestionably human: her eyes have moved from the sides to the front of her head, and her ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 5cm long, about the size of a lime. She weighs 14g."
But the suffering won't end yet... Muntah and loya every night and morning.... Huuuuu tak tahan... Hopefully it will just end next month....
(copy paste dari babycentre)
"The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close. Her mouth will make sucking movements. Toes will curl, and eye muscles will clench. In fact, if you prod your belly, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it.
Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly. Synapses, which are used to send messages around the body, are forming furiously in your baby's brain.
The intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys will begin excreting urine into your baby's bladder.
Your baby's face looks unquestionably human: her eyes have moved from the sides to the front of her head, and her ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 5cm long, about the size of a lime. She weighs 14g."
But the suffering won't end yet... Muntah and loya every night and morning.... Huuuuu tak tahan... Hopefully it will just end next month....
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